Sunday, March 15, 2020

Customer service skills every employee needs

Customer service skills every employee needsIf you work with clients on a regular basis, you always need to be on your game. Being good at customer service means that when youre grumpy, tired, or super-busy, you still project a friendly and professional tone at all times.Even if youre not working directly in customer service, per se, that doesnt mean that customer service skills do not apply to youit can never hurt to brush up on your people skills, no matter what industry you work in. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Here are a few generisch skills that every good employee should master if they want to make sure not to lose clients or customers for their businessor make big jerks of themselves at crucial moments.CommunicationIf you cant communicate well verbally and in writing, then its time to learn. When you are representing a company, things like poor grammar, misspellings, excessive slang, and a too-casual tone really come across as unprofessional. Aim to express yourself clearly and articulately in whatever format you are required to. Check and double-check all written communication, and take care with your words. Then, get better at it. Solid communication skills will make everything in your lifeespecially your jobgo more smoothly.RespectThis one seems obvious but its worth repeating to yourself now and again treat others as you would like to be treated. This goes for your boss, that annoying customer screaming at you about something out of your control, and the cleaning staff. Some simple things you can doto show respect are using a persons name, actually listening when they talk, not talking over them, not looking bored, and making eye contact. If these actions dont come naturally, make an effort to thoughtfully add them to your daily interactions. Pretty soon, theyll become habit.PatienceThey dont call it a virtue for nothing. Dont rush people out the door, off the phone, or out of your cubicle without mak ing sure they feel heard. Giving slower service or taking a bit of extra time is sometimes the smartest, most effective (and efficient) way to workeven when you just want to move on to the next task. Stay focused and show that you are paying attention. Give people your full concentration (please, please, dont check your phone when someone is talking to you) and repeat back key details to demonstrate that you are listening and comprehending.KnowledgeKnow your job, your company, and your product inside out. Never be the person who doesnt have the answer to a questionif it isnt your department, you should know off the top of your head the right person to contact for the answer. And, of course, you should be a totalexpert when it comes to your company role and responsibilities. Know everything there is to know so that if anyone comes to you with a harte nuss you dont have to tell them you arent familiar with some aspect of your job.AdaptabilityGet better at reading people. What do they want, exactly, to happen from your interaction? And how do they want to be dealt with or addressed? Every personcustomer or bosscomes with his or her set of personal quirks. Its never about cookie-cutter solutions. Your approach for dealing with people must adapt to the specific situation. If youre too rigid, youll seem fake and uncaring.CreativityBeing able to find workaround solutions and think outside of the box to solve a problem is a huge asset to any career. Cultivate your ability to think of something, anything, to help outeven when the situation seems hopeless. Stay tenacious and positive and work through it until a resolution comes to you. Even if your solution isnt the answer, everyone will admire your dedication. When people see you are making an honest effort, they are very appreciative. Youll come out looking like a true professional.

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