Friday, December 27, 2019

Is Facebook Timeline the New Resume

Is facebook inc Timeline the New Resume Is facebook inc Timeline the New Resume What are the Changes in Facebook Timeline? The new service makes it much easier to share a wealth of information about yourself. Facebook is now no longer just about moments in time it represents the whole you. With your Facebook profile page, you are now no longer conveying Twitter-esque ruminations about what you are doing at that moment. With the new Facebook Timeline, you are saying to the world This is me.Social media sites represent a very unique difficulty for job seekers, and Facebook Timeline will no doubt add complexity. Social media in general presents a way to show yourself to the world and let others know what you are doing. Career sites like this one are full of information about what types of updates you should avoid writing, and how to convey a proper level of professionalism. However, Facebook Timeline throws a monkey wrench into the way job seekers portray themselves in social media.Wi th Facebook Timeline, users are given much more control about the graphical layout of their page. They can choose what life events to include and bring their own graphics and pictures into the Facebook profile. However, the real difference is that the new Facebook profile emphasizes life events and how you want to be portrayed static, descriptive items take priority over fleeting status updates. Its who you are, elend what you are doing.What does that sound like to you? If a job seeker is given the chance to enumerate their professional accomplishments, life events, and goals, isnt that pretty close to a resume? Isnt Facebook now more like, that tells the world exactly who you think you are?When people are given the option to talk about themselves, add pictures, and select what information to include or not include, it can be dangerous. Facebook always was dangerous for job seekers, but now its even more precarious.Tips for job seekers using the new FacebookChoose cover pic tures wisely Facebook profiles are now a lot like a blog, with the option to create a cover for your profile. This picture is a big part of your profile its might be said to be the most important element of your page. zupflmmel the picture wisely make sure its not only something that you dont mind people seeing, but that it represents an idea or action that you are proud to think or be.Select your privacy options carefully Facebook privacy options change rapidly, and the introduction of Facebook Timeline will usher in a host of new privacy options. Make sure that you spend the time to go through the privacy options carefully.Choose your likes carefully Like Ron Paul or RuPaul? Know that your Facebook Likes are on your profile in a prominent manner, with pictures of the entity that you like. If you dont want employers or other people seeing what you like, dont like it in the first place. You can also check out your privacy options for options about who sees your likes.Update your p rofessional information There is a very good chance that you dont have updated career related information on Facebook. In general, people use Facebook for personal use, so they dont bother updating job titles and companies. However, the new Facebook Timeline layout does emphasize that static profile field, which highlights your current employer and job title. Make sure that your professional fields are up to date and complete.Pick who sees your updates Make sure that you are using the feature to choose who sees certain updates. If you post a lot of family related updates, you might want to make a list of your family friends and only select this group to see those related updates. Share with the world only that which you are proud for everyone to know about.Are Facebook Profiles the New Resume?Employers are increasingly using Facebook and social networks to recruit employees, and this is a trend that will likely continue. Want proof? Just look at all the technology being developed fo r recruiting with Facebook. Its becoming more important than ever to have a strong Facebook profile if youre looking for a job. The new Facebook Timeline layout certainly presents some added challenges for job seekers, buts its also an opportunity to make a great first impression.Is Facebook Timeline the new resume? Not yet, but the way you portray yourself online is getting more and more important for your career. The new Facebook profile ordnungsprinzip gives you anunprecedentedamount of control over that identity, and with that control comes more opportunity to differentiate yourself. Just make sure that you are conveying the you that really are, or perhaps the you that you want to be. Good luck out thereMaster the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to fur ther their career.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Tell Someone Their Work Is Sloppy - The Muse

How to Tell Someone Their Work Is Sloppy - The MuseHow to Tell Someone Their Work Is Sloppy Youre a hard worker. You like things to be done on time, and done well. To you, its a small ask.So when someone you work with keeps turning in unfinished reports or sloppy pieces of work, it really grinds your gears.Not only that, it affects everything else you do. That subpar assignment might mean you push back an important deadline, or piss off a client, or lose out on the respect of the rest of the company. Basically, this rolles mess-up costs you, and everyone around you, a lot.Sitting down someone whos turning in low quality work and giving them a talking to isnt how most people like to spend their days. But its important to do respectfully and in a timely manner, if you care about your and your gruppes success.Muse career coach Eilis Wasserman emphasizes that there isnt one right way to do this. But one rule of thumb is that if you are not the supervisor and it affects your work, then br ing it up to your supervisor first before trying to tackle it yourself. Having the feedback come from a higher-up gives it mora weight, and can feel more natural than when it comes from a co-worker of the same level. Plus, if your supervisor manages your co-worker too, they will be more familiar with the persons work ethic, history, and day-to-day responsibilities and thus will be better able to come up with a solution.But lets say youre the supervisor and youre confronted with less-than-stellar performance from an employee- or youre an employee who cant count on your manager to do the work for you. Here are some tips for umgang this conversation with ease.Put Aside Any Negative FeelingsGetting handed sloppy work can irritate even the calmest of individuals, and understandably so. Maybe youre already swamped and this is going to set you back an extra few hours. Maybe theyre a contractor and youre paying them a lot of money thats now gone to waste. Or maybe youve asked them time and again to follow the directions laid out in front of them, to no avail.Regardless of how upset you might be, its super important to let your emotions settle before confronting the person about it. Take a walk, draft a venting email that you dont send, maybe even wait a day or two- whatever works for you.If its anger, if its frustration, get rid of it, says Muse career coach Steven Davis. You want to come across as the calm, cool, and collected professional you know you are. And bashing down the persons door wont just reflect poorly on you- it will easily turn them off from listening to you and taking your feedback seriously.Dont Assume Bad IntentIts possible this person has no idea how their actions are affecting you. Give them the benefit of the doubt that theyre not actively trying to annoy or undermine you.Maybe theyre distracted by something happening outside the amtsstube or in their personal life. Or maybe the tasks the person is given to do are too far beyond their capabilitie s, says Davis. Or they could be slacking because theyre demotivated, whether because theyre unhappy in their job, under pressure from someone higher up, or uninterested in the work itself.Or maybe this person knows theyre messing up, but is choosing to move forward to cover their tracks. Sometimes they dont want to appear inadequate even though the amount of work they were given is actually too much, Wasserman suggests.Consider if any of these could be the cause before jumping to conclusions on your own (like that they dont care how difficult theyre making things for you). Remember to abflug with trust, says Wasserman. The only way youll know whats really going on is to have a civil, productive conversation.Address It Early (and Privately)It is better to address as soon as you can so future work will not be affected, and the employee can start improving, Wasserman explains.Addressing it earlier rather than later also allows you to have a more informal chat as opposed to a serious, p rolonged discussion. The first time it happens, Davis explains, you might just check in to landsee if they were aware of what theyd done- maybe those spelling errors or incorrectly formatted spreadsheets were truly a mistake, and theyll correct it on their own in the future. But if they dont, two times is one time too many, he says. Once its clear this isnt a one-time fluke but a bigger performance issue, youll most likely want to pull them aside privately to talk it out.Reflect on the Persons HistoryIn preparation for your sit down, its key to gather some context. Think about this employees past performance. Do they typically submit top-notch work, or has this happened before (and how many times)? Has it been a slow decrease in quality, or is this a complete 180 from what they usually turn in? How you address one big mess-up will require a much different approach than how you address someone who has been disappointing for some time.Also, is there a trend you can pull out in terms o f the kind of work they seem to struggle with, or is it pretty consistent no matter the assignment?Performance really is a combination of someones ability and how motivated they are, Davis explains. So historical data can be a good indicator of whether its their ability or motivation (or something else) thats holding them back.Finally, whats this persons personality? Are they usually open to constructive criticism, or do they tend to get defensive when pulled aside? Knowing how theyve previously handled feedback will help you decide your strategy. Identify the DNA of the person. Thats how you influence people. Because what works on Steven is not maybe going to work on Alyse, says Davis.Consider Your Own RoleIf youre this persons boss, its your job to support and guide them toward success- so if theyre struggling, ask yourself if theres something you could be doing differently, too. Sifting through the possibilities helps you to weed out whether its a you problem, a them problem, or a bit of both (the most common outcome, unfortunately).For example, you could have high expectations that your team is unaware of. Some professionals may be perfectionists or impose their own personal standards on others work and consider work to be sloppy even though that might not be truly the case, says Wasserman. So while something looks unpolished to you, it could seem up-to-par in your employees eyes.Overall, says Davis, its really important for everyone to understand what your expectations are. If this person is underperforming because your directions werent clear, youll need to reiterate to them exactly what youre looking for from them. If the reasons theyre having difficulty are more about their lack of support or skills to do the job, then your expectations and level of guidance may need to be adjusted for future assignments.Ask Thoughtful QuestionsWhen you meet, youll want to probe a bit to get to the bottom of the situation- whats going on, what they understand about the ir performance, why theyre making the decisions theyre making, and what their expectations are for the project.I would start just by asking how the employee is feeling about their progress and their work to get the ball rolling, says Wasserman. By letting them lead the conversation, she explains, they may also come to their own conclusion that somethings not quite right.For example, you might sayName, how are you feeling about your progress on project? Do you feel the timeline and expectations are achievable?Or, I just wanted to check in as Ive noticed the work youve submitted recently doesnt match the level and accuracy of your previous work. Is there a reason why you think this might be different from things youve completed in the past? Is there any way I can assist you in getting it where it needs to be?Actually pay attention to and show interest in what the persons telling you in response to these questions. Maybe they need other resources, or other people to help them. They cou ld possibly feel like theyre ignored, or they dont have support, says Davis. By showing youre taking their answers seriously, theyre more likely to feel more comfortable opening up and taking feedback- now and later on. Give Examples (But Avoid Being Accusatory)Its possible they genuinely dont have an answer as to why their work isnt meeting expectations, or dont see any problem with the work theyre turning in.In that case, youll want to come in with relevant examples that you can point to instead of being vague, says Wasserman. What exactly is wrong with what theyve done, and what is it actually supposed to look like? And why is it supposed to look that way?If what theyre doing is impacting others (besides you), youll want to mention that- albeit carefully- as well. Sometimes after addressing the sloppiness, the worker may not realize the importance or severity of their errors. Without being accusatory you could show the worker how this type of poor work affects others in the compa ny and the image of the company overall, explains Wasserman. To do this effectively, youll want to avoid using aggressive, accusatory language, or initially assigning direct blame she adds. Rather than saying, You messed up, youll want to explain, Heres how the persons actions creates negative outcome.(Also, dont actually say their work is sloppy- the word itself can be interpreted negatively on the receiving end, especially if the person doesnt perceive their output as having been a result of laziness or carelessness.)Finally, remind them that you care about their growth and success. You know this person probably wants to move up in their role- so make it clear following your changes will help get them there.Lets put this all into practice. Say that your direct report keeps turning in hurried-looking documents, causing you to have to redo them before submitting them to a client. You could say the followingI wanted to talk to you about your recent work on the Goldman account. The la st two documents Ive received from you have had a few glaring errors Ive had to fix. Specifically, I noticed in your last report that you didnt fact-check a lot of the statistics we quoted, which caused me to have to spend a few hours reworking some of the sections where I spotted discrepancies. This was also the case in the report from last month, where we actually didnt cite some important data and I had to add it in. Im curious if theres a reason why you might have overlooked these?I want to be able to trust you with these assignments with little supervision and eventually be able to hand this account over to you to manage independently- because I believe you absolutely have the kompetenz to handle it. However, I cant do that unless Im sure these kinds of things wont fall through the cracks and were giving our clients our best work. So I want to work with you to ensure this doesnt happen moving forward. If you think extending the deadline would give you more time to refine the de tails, or creating a checklist for things to remember to include in each report would help, or if you have any other suggestions, Id love to spend this time together talking through how I can support you.Its possible just having this talk will be enough to get the person back on track- a kick in the butt can do wonders for someone whos coasting. But even if it requires you to rework some of the ways you collaborate, youll both come out stronger.Keep an Eye on Their ProgressWasserman emphasizes that even after youve chatted and come up with a plan you should track their progress and check in from time to time- giving feedback, readjusting your strategy, and offering solutions. More importantly, if their sloppiness continues, youll need to make it clear there are consequences to their actions- whether thats being put on a performance improvement plan or getting let go.But give them the chance to prove themself, too. If they immediately start to show improvement on a small scale, ackno wledge that. Compliments and positive reinforcement will only encourage the person to keep up the good work- making your job that much easier.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Watch out Millennials! If your avocado has this label, chuck it immediately

Watch out Millennials If your avocado has this label, chuck it immediatelyWatch out Millennials If your avocado has this label, chuck it immediatelyBefore you slice up your morning avocado, check the sticker. If your avocado boasts a label that reads Bravocado, toss it in the can, it might be contaminated with bacteria. You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

This is what no one tells you about being a manager

This is what no one tells you about being a managerThis is what no one tells you about being a managerIll always remember the comment one of my colleagues, Dr. Brett Kaplan- previously managing director at the storied investment bank Evercore and currently CFO at Prevail Therapeutics- made to me about a year into my first managerial position.We had just met a group of employees from another company, and after we finished speaking with them, he turned to me and said, You know, that was the first time youve called yourself the Head of Business Development.It really hit home for me, because it was true. I hadnt been thinking of myself by my title, even though Id been in that position nearly a year.I think a lot of people can relate to that, especially those who were promoted internally and took charge of a group they were once a part of. The dynamic changes and not everyone adjusts immediately- and very few have a seamless transition.It takes everyone a while to get their sea legs in th eir first managerial position. Heres how to make the adjustmentYou have to give up what you were good at, and thats okayMost people are promoted to managerial roles because they were really good at what they did before. They were great at analysis, deal-making, operations, whatever their specific job. But now theyre being asked to work in a more abstract role- leading a group.But leaving your job as an individual contributor can feel like losing your identity. Youre like the college athlete who wasnt good enough to go pro. All your time was invested in one very specific activity. All your friends were teammates. You may have even received some recognition or accolades for your great performance- then you graduate.Suddenly, the thing that was so closely tied to your identity doesnt really seem to matter anymore. If Im not a (fill in the blank), what am I?The same thing happens when you get promoted into a managerial role. You may have the sense you dont really know who you are, yet y oure still expected to have it all together and to take charge of this new situation.The truth is, if you ever want to get better at something new, you have to give up the thing youre focused on right now, at least to some extent. Thats just the price of trying to get better at something new- whether its a hobby or a new job.It can be awkward and uncomfortable at first, but you will eventually get used to your new responsibilities.You cant be afraid to make tough decisionsA friend of mine, Jeb Keiper- CEO of Nimbus Therapeutics- told me about some advice he got recently from a board member before he took a new executive position. The guy told him, When youre an external hire, you tend to move too fast. When youre an internal hire, you tend to move too slow.Theres always a sense of awkwardness when youre put in charge of people you used to work with- when your identity in that relationship changes. Your conversation may be a little more direct. Youre telling them, Im in charge now. T his is what were doing, which is a dramatic shift from how they related to you before.That awkwardness can lead people to move too slowly intheir new role.Many people are afraid of the pain of making tough decisions in a managerial role. They dont want to be disliked. No one does. But you have to keep in mind that pain now is almost always better than pain later because problems get worse through inaction.The ability to visualize the trouble youll be in later on if you dont make hard decisions is essential if you want to succeed in your new position.Get comfortable making the final call, which will take workI can vividly remember when I had to get comfortable making the call as a physician.I was moonlighting in the Barnes-Jewish Hospitals emergency room near St. Louis, Missouri four days after I finished my medical residency. It was a rural area, probably 50 miles from the nearest major hospital. One Saturday evening, there was a pediatric poly-trauma that came in- a young 9-year-ol d girl who had been hit by a car.There was an hour of frantic activity trying to stabilize her. About an hour later, the nurses and I converged at the X-ray illuminator to review the films. As we looked at the scans- seeing complex fracture traumatic injuries all over the body, shattered bones in certain places- I was looking all around me for the trauma team. In my last three years at an academic medical center, I could call every specialty from orthopedic to neurosurgery to pediatrics for instant assistance. There was none of that here, just me and the nurses.It hit me at that moment. There was no attending physician to call because that physician was me.Knowing the final decision is on you can be unnerving. I felt that way even though I had been trained for years to perform the job I was doing at that moment. But if youve just been promoted into a managerial position, youre probably taking a job you havent actually been specifically trained for. Its a leap, and that means youll h ave to learn as you go.It will take work. Youll have to spend time understanding your specific situation and mapping out what you should be doing in the first two years of that role. That might mean talking to mentors or seeking out advice. It could also mean reading up on your situation and journaling to get a clearer sense of whats required of you.Its tough to come to terms with the knowledge you have the final call now. But if you can make your peace with it, youll have that moment when the switch flips, when you feel yourself changing from that individual whos in over their head to a leader- someone who takes action.This article was originally published on Quora.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Machinist Resume

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Machinist Resume The Honest to Goodness Truth on Machinist Resume College Recruiter believes that each and every college student and recent graduate should receive a terrific career, and thats why toy trucks partnered with Intry and that usually means youre able to free of charge, make an on the internet profile and a lot of resumes, each one of which will be made to guard you finish the ATS and seen by the possible employer. Basically, in regards to ATS, I tell my clients that as long as they do a few straightforward things they dont have a lot to be concerned about, Perez states. Allow the recruiter know youre very acquainted with the job. Application writing may be a simple job if you realize how You will soon become knowledgeable about the acronym ATS. Handling tools require wisdom and experience. Next, youll need to assemble all your educational info along with your certifications. Most Noticeable Machinist Resume Finally, you wish to c onvince the reader that youre a fantastic fit for the organization, and you will hit the ground running. Its too easy to kill the work even before getting the interview. Keen attention to detail is demanded. The majority of the moment, terrific job opportunities dont just come knocking. Companies are aware of what they want. Furthermore, you can find out more about engineering careers on Monster. Again, provided it isnt a geschftliches miteinander recruiter working for your organization, you truly wont will need to consider your boss finding out. Then demonstrate the hiring manager why you would earn a good alternative for the job. The Fundamentals of Machinist Resume You Can Benefit From Beginning Right Away A performing resume template may be your key to clinching the role of a lifetime. The procedure is foremost applied to metal materials but can also be used on other surfaces. Its fast and simple to use. The work description of the CNC machine operator is to assess the elements and features of the items needed and arrange them in the correct purchase. Welders should also be in a position to plan and manage projects. To find out more on what it requires to be a Cnc Machinist, take a look at our complete CNC Machinist Job Description. Details of Machinist Resume This section is utilized to find out your eligibility for appointment and referral consideration. Job application or CV or resume cover letter is currently a substantial part our academic along with the seasoned lives. A strong cover letter is in a position to create the application stick out from the audience. Whats more, your letter for job application should have professional look and it must be informative. Before you even attempt to compose the letter make sure that you have investigated all the expected details about the organization. Your letter should present a feeling of the contribution youd be adding to the business enterprise. A cover letter ought to be all business enterprise. A great cover letter is your possibility to show that you know the reach of the role and their mission. Your resume will wind up in an ATS ultimately, despite the fact that you might have networked the best path through personal connections within the enterprise. A complete choice for individuals with a lot of experience who want to have a fantastic one-page job application format. When youre looking for work, avoid rely on only one method to locate careers. If you are looking for work, avoid rely on only one solution to discover careers. A great profile must closely link up with specific objective statements rather than giving an overall display for those goals you wish to accomplish. As a dilemma of reality, in regards to the average, a great verstndigung im strafverfahren of the recruiters usually do not hunt for at least 6 seconds at a resume. The problem with nearly all resumes is they think that the probable added benefits to prospective employers will m ost likely be self-evident to the reader. Just like any test, the very best approach to pass is to be adequately prepared. What to Expect From Machinist Resume? For that reason, its important to deal with your letter to a particular individual, preferably the hiring manager. Way too many resumes are in reality wordy and difficult to check out. Our job application constructor is a quickest method of create work application that can help you to receive your fantasy job. If youd like to conserve another job, youll need to visit your profile and remove a saved job first. Attempt never to come across a fantastic job as soon as youre unemployed. So if youre trying to get a job ( not just any undertaking, but the job that you want), be certain you do things right and learn how to earn a superb application.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Engineers top recruiters skills shortages list

Engineers top recruiters skills shortages list Engineers top recruiters skills shortages listPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie ChunPermanent recruitment has risen in the last three months from four per cent to seven per cent of recruitment agency jobs, with engineers topping the skills shortages list, according to the latest RCSA (Recruitment Consulting Services Association) survey. On-hired and contractor placements have dropped from 97 per cent to 92 per cent in that time.This is a positive sign of employment and economic recovery, according to Julie Mills, CEO of the RCSA.When theres a rise in permanent hiring, its a sign that employers are confident they have the work and the revenue to keep people on long-term. And in past downturns, its been a sign for the recruitment sector that the worst is over and the recovery has begun in earnest, said Ms Mills.Permanent recruitment has risen in the last three months from four per cent to seven per cent of recruitment agency jobs, with en gineers topping the skills shortages list, according to the latest RCSA (Recruitment Consulting Services Association) survey. On-hired and contractor placements have dropped from 97 per cent to 92 per cent in that time.This is a positive sign of employment and economic recovery, according to Julie Mills, CEO of the RCSA.When theres a rise in permanent hiring, its a sign that employers are confident they have the work and the revenue to keep people on long-term. And in past downturns, its been a sign for the recruitment sector that the worst is over and the recovery has begun in earnest, said Ms Mills.RCSA members geschftlicher umgang confidence has grown, with 72.5 per cent expecting business to grow in the next quarter (up six per cent from the last quarter). Business volumes are expected to rise by 8.5 per cent (compared with last quarters 5.7 per cent) and client interaction by 18 per cent. As the employment market picks up, recruiters have found their skills shortages lists h ave changed from last year, with engineers now replacing health professionals and nurses in the top spot. Health and medical professionals still dominate the list alongside building and trade workers, and business professionals have returned to the top 10 for the first time in over a year. The top 10 skills shortages nationally are 1. Non-building professional engineers 2. Health professionals 3. Nurses 4. Non-building engineering associates and technicians 5. Building professionals 6. Medical technicians 7. Building associates and technicians 8. Non-building electrical/electronic trades 9. Business professionals 10. Electrical trades (building) Check out our courses to see what you can study to help get you a job from the skills shortages list.Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) HonoursStudy modeOn CampusPayment optionsHECS-HELPUpfront paymentCourse guide+ FREE eBrochureEnquire verbunden Enquire OnlineEngineering ResourcesEngineering manager sample resumeEngineeri ng manager sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesKat Hocking - Chemical Engineer, Melbourne WaterInterested in becoming a?Management ConsultantOperations ManagerSupply Chain ManagerCivil EngineerMining EngineerPopular Career Searchessmall engine repair coursehow to become a quantity surveyor in australiahow to become a structural engineer in australiafire engineering courses australianight school engineering courseEngineering CoursesBachelor of Engineering (Civil) HonoursEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Engineering (Instrumentation Control and Automat...Enquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Technology (Motorsports)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineering) Ho...Enquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreEngineeringEngineers making the impossible possibleHave you ever had a dream that seemed impossible? Have you ever wanted to solve the energy problem, or walk on water? Even translate your dogs barks? We ll, this is where Engineers Australia steps in.EngineeringAustralian engineering innovations 2Many of us have been shown a fuzzy black and white photograph from our days in the womb, but did you know that the ultrasound is yet another example of enterprising Australian engineering?EngineeringAustralian engineering innovations 5Computer and smartphone users everywhere are singing their praises for this popular and increasingly ubiquitous piece of engineering technology.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Free Contemporary Camp Counselor Resume

Free Contemporary Camp Counselor ResumeFree Contemporary Camp Counselor ResumeContemporary resume templates demonstrate the key components of a quality resume, and they are a perfect choice for any punkt that requires tech knowledge. Showcase your skills by being specific about your technology background. The information accompanying the template below can help you put this resume style into practice.Create ResumeCustomize ResumeWhat to Include in a Contemporary Camp Counselor ResumeBefore you write your contemporary resume, you will want to determine what to include. For this type of resume, the potential employer likely wants to see your technological strengths, so be as specific as possible when detailing this information. You will also want to include anything that sets you apart from other candidates, including volunteer information and initiative. Lastly, consider carefully the position itself and how best you can express your competence for the job. There are specific sections you will want to include in your contemporary resume, including education, work experience and a summary of your skills.Common Resume Fails Mistakes to AvoidGetting Caught up in Extraneous Information You dont need to go into detail about experience that doesnt lend itself to the position for which you are applying. Mentioning your responsibilities is important, but when expanding, stick to the specific skills you need for your desired position.Making Your Resume Too Long A resume should be no more than one page in length, except in special circumstances. Employers generally have only a brief amount of time to read through each resume, so make sure that it contains pertinent information in an easy-to-read format.Apologizing for Lack of Skills Be confident in your resume, even if you feel you may not have all the experience necessary for the job. Focusing on your strengths can often deflect from holes in experience.Having a Bulky Layout Use bullet points to break up information inst ead of using complete sentences. Make sure you have adequate spacing in between sections so they dont run together.Being Dishonest Be truthful in your resume instead of fabricating any information. You likely have more experience than you realize, and false information can make you look unreliable to your potential employer.Resume Content Jack Stephens 6891 Brookstone Lane, Seattle, WA 11111 555.456.3285 Summary Experienced camp counselor seeking position in technology-focused summer camp. A technologically savvy innovator with a passion for instilling a love for science and math in todays youth. Looking for opportunity to help teens learn coding skills and experience innovations in virtual reality. Highlights Experience creating games and appsAbility to break down concepts into manageable partsExtremely patient Ability to get teens excited about projectsCoding and virtual reality trainingParticipation in professional organizationsAbility to think outside the b oxExcellent attention to detailFun loving spiritPrior experience working with childrenExperience IT Specialist 3/1/2014 Current Anyplace Electronics Seattle, WA Assist customers at service desk by providing information packets or pamphlets, taking phone calls and returning emails.Troubleshoot operating software and hardware.Answer customer questions in a friendly and knowledgeable manner.Attend employee trainings on a bi-monthly basis.Suggest improvements to supervisor when appropriate, often recommending system and equipment upgrades.Implement new customer communication practices and policies for better efficiency and speedier returns.Oversee new hires through shadowing program.Named October 2015 Employee of the Month. Retail Associate 10/1/2013 3/1/2014 Price Electronics Seattle, WA Created and led weekly in-store activities for children.Volunteered unpaid time to determine activities in advance.Answered customer questions regarding electronic inventory.Troubleshot faulty in-s tore merchandise.Increased overall abverkauf by 8 percent.Created fliers for store windows using Adobe InDesign.Received positive evaluations from supervisor. Education Bachelor of Science in Computer ProgrammingSeattle College, Seattle WA

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to rebuild burned bridges at work

How to rebuild burned bridges at workHow to rebuild burned bridges at workRemember that time you told off your boss in front of everyone else in the department and then flipped her the bird for good measure? It. Felt. So. Great. For about a nanosecond, until you realized youd become the office pariah and no one would even talk to you for fear of being labeled a troublemaker.Joan Jett may have sung about not giving a damn about her bad reputation (Sorry, Britney, your titel just doesnt have the same power as the original), but in the business world, sometimes you have to make nice to people you despise. And sometimes its more complicated than that. You had a bad moment, made a stupid mistake and have to figure out how to reconnect professionally to move your career forward.So, what can you do if you quit your last job - but then hear about a job opening in another department? Should you make nice to your old boss or supervisor, or simply proceed with the new application as though not hing had happened? Or what if youve had a huge public blowout with a colleague and now need to work together on an upcoming project?How can you begin to repair burned bridges in your own professional life?Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow, J.D., M.Ed., Clinical Assistant Professor, Management and Business Law at Indiana University Kelley School of Business, says that you have to be willing to do what it takes to rebuild the relationship with a three part process.1. Take responsibility before you can move onCommunicate with an intent to be willing to admit the ways you might have contributed to the problem.It takes two to tango. Bridges can be burned on both sides. Consider your part in that, Westerhaus-Renfrow says. If theres a huge argument with another colleague, you had the choice to either be engaged or to walk away. If you were the catalyst for the explosion, admit it. This can start the process toward rebuilding.2. Compromise to rebuildCompromise by being willing to do what it tak es to rebuild the relationship.Be willing to say, You know what? This relationship is for the best of the organization. Im offering what I have to help rebuild this,Westerhaus-Renfrow says. Use your strengths or attributes to listen, to apologize, or even offer a forgiveness you may not feel is deserved. Use whatever tools you have so you can walk across that bridge to reach shared goals.3. Be realisticUnderstand that change and rebuilding will probably require time and hard work.When you build a bridge, Westerhaus-Renfrow says, that creates the shortest way of getting from point A to point B. But it takes time to rebuild that. And keep in mind, that bridge or relationship likely already was vulnerable, because it burned down. So build it up stronger the next time. It takes time to learn to communicate again.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Guide to Negotiating Maternity Leave With Your Boss

A Guide to Negotiating Maternity Leave With Your BossA Guide to Negotiating Maternity Leave With Your BossHaving a baby often comes with some time off from work, but the amount of time off and whether you will be paid vary from employer to employer. This can be an added stressor for many women however, maternity leave isoften is up for negotiation. Consider negotiating maternity leave with your boss by following these steps. Step 1Understand What Maternity Leave Is All About Maternity leave is defined as the time a new momtakes off from work after having a baby. Most women take the time immediately following a birth to recover and tend to a new babys needs. Some companies will offer paidmaternity leavefor a period of six weeks or more, but others offer nothing. Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), certain parents of either gender can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave from work to care for a new child. To qualify, the new parent must have been with their company for at lea st a year and worked at least 1,250 hours during the past year. They must also work for a company with 50 or more employees. The Family and Medical Insurance LeaveAct (FAMLI) was introduced in Congress in February 2017. If the bill passes, it will provide paid family and medical leave, equal to roughly two-thirds of a persons monthly pay, for up to 12 weeks a year. Step 2 Determine How and Where Youll Negotiate Depending on the formality of your office, carefully choose the medium by which you announceyour pregnancy. You may have to provide a maternity leave letter, but its best to have a face-to-face meeting in the office prior to handing in your letter, which may also need to be submitted to the companys human resources department. You want to talk with your boss about your maternity leaveoptions before the office rumor mill begins working. For this reason, its wise to request a face-to-face meeting with your boss before announcing to yourco-workersthat youre pregnant. Discuss ing maternity leave should happen sooner rather than later in most offices. This extended timeframe allows your employer to devise a plan for when youre on maternity leave. Step 3 Determine What Youd Like Your Maternity Leave to Look Like Before meeting with your boss and negotiating maternity leave, figure out the number of weeks youd like to take off from work after your babys birth.Check with your companys human resources department or the employee handbook to see if your company has a policy regarding maternity leave. If there is a company policy on maternity leave, decide if its right for you. For example, perhaps the company offers six weeks of paid leave, but you want more time before returning to work after youve had your baby. You may want to take the employer-provided time as well as an additional leave of absence under the FMLA. Step 4 Meet With Your Manager and Present Your Maternity Leave Plan Once in the meeting, clearly state your desired maternity leave. Then sit back andlisten. Consider this conversation a starting point for discussion, and keep an open mind when it comes to your employers concerns or needs. If you desire more maternity leave than what is outlined by your human resources department or in your company handbook, explain your reasons. For example, if your company doesnt offer paid leave and you can afford to take 10 weeks unpaid, tell your superiors exactly why you need this time off from work. It could be because your partner cant take time off from work, you dont have a nanny lined up yet, or you simply desire to be home during this time in your babys life. Step 5 StartNegotiating Maternity Leave If there isnt a firm company policy on maternity leave, ask for what you want. If your boss is agreeable, the process is over. If you desire more maternity leave than your company policy allows,cite, in writing, concrete reasons you need this leave, such as You need time to transition into your new role as a mother.You want to have a good start at breastfeeding your baby (and that your goal is to pump when you return to work).You want to start a quality relationship with your baby to decrease the chance of postpartum depression and to care for the mental and physical health of yourself and your baby.A long maternity leave reduces infant mortality rates. If your company doesnt offer paid maternity leave and you cant afford to take unpaid leave,try to work out a flexible schedule where you might be able to work from home several days a week for the first six weeks after your babys birth, or possibly ask to work part-time for a while. Updated by Elizabeth McGrory